Breast Enlargement
Breast Enlargement Looking for Breast Enlargement Surgery
in Mumbai. Cosmetic Surgery Mumbai is the best centre for Breast
Enlargement Surgery in Mumbai, India. Breast
Augmentation is the surgical procedure to increase the size, profile and
projection of the female breasts. Aesthetic aspect of the female breasts is a
point of admiration, beauty, function, "womanhood ", disparity,
conjecture, comparison and debate. In this respect this procedure plays an
important role. Small
breasts (Hypomastia) can be Congenital, Post
lactational and postmenopausal. Breast
Augmentation is very satisfying cosmetic Surgery Procedure achieved with
silicone gel or saline implant. It gives women lot of self-confidence
and self-belief.
Implant can be inserted by various incisions like 1. Inframammary, most
preferred. 2. Peri-areolar 3. Trans-axillary or 4.
Trans-umbilical. Procedure is mainly done under general
anaesthesia. May require one day admission. |
Augmentation |
After |
Visit |
Other Procedure |
Dr. Manwani’s Cosmetic surgery Clinic Criticare Hospital Main Gulmohar
Road, J.V.P.D.S., Andheri (W), Mumbai-49, INDIA Email: For appointment call +919820167509 +918169622775 |
Cosmetic Surgery Mumbai India |