Chin Augmentation


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Chin Augmentation   

Looking for Chin Augmentation in Mumbai. Cosmetic Surgery Mumbai India is the best centre for Chin Augmentation in Mumbai, India. Most patients are not aware of small chin (micrognathia) until it is pointed out by surgeon. Chin augmentation is achieved by insertion of chin implant over the anterior portion of body of mandible by submental or intra oral incision. Chin Augmentation provides better balance to the facial features in patients with small chin (micrognathia). One feels confident with proper chin size. Procedure is done under local anaesthesia as o p d basis. A strong chin gives a person lot of confidence in his job and work place. Results can be appreciated in 7 days.


Chin Augmentation










Before                   After

Other Procedure


Face Lift



Dimple Creation

 Lip Augmentation

Botox & Fillers

Cheek Liposuction

Buccal Fat Removal

Revision Rhinoplasty

Face Scars

Mole Removal

Face Birth Marks

Face Leucoderma


Dr. Manwani’s

Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

Criticare Hospital,

Main Gulmohar Road, J.V.P.D.S.,

Andheri (W), Mumbai-49, INDIA




For appointment call or WhatsApp




Chin Augmentation