Dimple Creation


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Dimple Creation  

Looking for Dimple Creation in Mumbai. Cosmetic Surgery Mumbai is the best centre for Dimple Creation Surgery in Mumbai, India. Dimple is a small natural indentation in the cheek or chin. Cheek Dimple when present appears more when person is smiling. Dimple is often associated with youth and beauty. Chinese culture believes that cheek dimples are good luck charm and are seen as an attractive quality in person’s face.

      Dimple cheek creation is most common cosmetic surgery procedure done by attaching laughing muscle to dermis. Dimple can be created on one side of cheek or both side of cheek depends on choice of patient. Procedure is done under local anaesthesia as an o p d procedure. Patient is discharged immediately after surgery. There can be swelling for few days. It is advisable to have liquid diet for few days. Best results are seen after 3 months when most of the healing takes place.














Before                    After


Face Lift



Chin Augmentation

Lip Augmentation

Botox & Fillers

Cheek Liposuction

Buccal Fat Removal

Revision Rhinoplasty

Face Scars

Mole Removal

Face Birth Marks

Face Leucoderma



Dr. Manwani’s

Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

Criticare Hospital

Main Gulmohar Road, J.V.P.D.S.,

Andheri (W), Mumbai-49, INDIA






For appointment call or WhatsApp




Dimple Creation