Face Lift
Face Lift Looking for face lift operation in Mumbai, Cosmetic
Surgery Mumbai is the best centre for Face Lift surgery in Mumbai, India. Face lift or fascialplasty is a very
common procedure done for surgical rejuvenation of aging face. Both the
public perception and aesthetic concepts of face lifting have evolved over
time. Face lift mainly involve lifting of middle and lower face. Face lift
can be combined with neck lift. For upper face and periorbital surgery one
requires Brow lift and Blepharoplasty. To get optimum results one should do
these procedures in separate sittings. Operation is mainly done under general anaesthesia but can
be done under local infiltration if required. Patient may require one to
three days admission. There can be swelling over face for 3 to 5 days. Best
results are seen in 3 months. |
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Dr. Manwani’s Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Criticare Hospital, Main Gulmohar
Road, J.V.P.D.S., Andheri (W), Mumbai-49, INDIA Email: For appointment call or WhatsApp +919820167509 +918169622775 |
Lift |