Surgery Mumbai +919820167509 +918169622775 |
Cosmetic Surgery Mumbai Cosmetic
Surgery Mumbai is
the best cosmetic surgery centre in Mumbai. Cosmetic Surgery involves procedures for beautification of
face and enhancement of body image. Rhinoplasty, Blepharoplasty, Face lift,
Otoplasty, Cosmetic lip surgery, chin Augmentation, Cheek liposuction, Scar
removal, Mole removal are procedures for face and liposuction,
Abdominoplasty, Breast augmentation, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift are
procedures for body image. Except that there is recently introduced genital
cosmetic surgery which involves penile lengthening, penile girth augmentation
for male and vaginoplasty and labiaplasty for female. In our centre we perform all kinds of
cosmetic surgeries.
All operations are
done on merit basis with excellent results. Dr Manojkumar J
Manwani is the best cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai. He is world renowned and
internationally famous Cosmetic
& Plastic Surgeon practicing in Mumbai
from 26 years.
He has performed all types of cosmetic and plastic surgery operations with
successful results. Many of his patients come from foreign countries owing to
spurt in medical tourism. However, there are many Indian patients that
include famous actors and models. He is the top plastic surgeon in Mumbai. Best
Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai
Manojkumar J Manwani M.S., D.N.B. Senior
consultant Cosmetic
& Plastic Surgery “Diplomate
of National Board” “Life member Association of Plastic Surgeons of
Cosmetic Surgery Procedure |
Rhinoplasty is still the most common procedure in cosmetic surgery. It definitely can change the face
completely and enhance the beauty of person. Operation: There are various techniques
available for different type of correction 1.Reduction Rhinoplasty: For Hump Nose 2. Corrective Rhinoplasty: For Bulbous Nose 3. Augmentation Rhinoplasty: For Saddle
Nose 4. Secondary correction: When person is not
happy with previous Rhinoplasty (With increased incidence of Rhinoplasty this
type of correction is most common) 5. Nares correction: For wide and deformed
nares Various techniques are mainly combined in
every Rhinoplasty. Results mainly depends on skill of the surgeon. Operation is mainly done as an o p d.
procedure Surgical rejuvenation of the aging face has
evolved into one of the most frequently performed procedure. The evolution is
directly related to the scientific understanding of facial soft tissue
anatomy. Procedure restores age related anatomical changes. Procedure is mainly done under general
anaesthesia with one day admission. Sometimes it is possible to do under
local infiltration. Properly performed aesthetic periorbital
surgery is the most rejuvenating of all facial surgeries performed today.
Conceived and executed it proves a tremendous source of joy for both surgeon
and patient. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty and lower eyelid blepharoplasty can
be combined or done separately. Procedure is mainly done under local
anaesthesia as an o p d basis. Double eyelid blepharoplasty is done to
change appearance of eyelid from oriental to Caucasian. The main objective is
to create a double eyelid by reconstructing a superior palpebral sulcus. Lop ears can be embarrassing for any individual.
Correction by Otoplasty will result in normal ear. Otoplasty is also done for
any congenital defects in the Ear. Sometimes even Small normal ears can be
embarrassing which can also be lengthened. Procedure is mainly done as an o p d basis Lip Augmentation is done by various procedures By fillers: Temporary procedures can be repeated. Fat
injection: Permanent procedure but 50% absorption of fat can occur. Derma
fat graft: Permanent procedure, 20% absorption of tissue can occur. Surgical:
Advancement of Vermilion line: Permanent procedure, sometime scar. All
procedures can be done as an o p d procedure Lip
reduction is achieved by wedge resection and fine suturing. Mainly
done as an o p d. procedure. Chin augmentation/Augmentation Mentoplasty Most patients are not aware of hypoganthia (small chin) until it is pointed out by
surgeon. Augmentation is achieved by insertion of silicone implant available
in various sizes and shapes. Implant can be inserted by a. Submental approach
or b. Intraoral approach. Surgery is done under local anaesthesia following
light sedation. Definitely it gives boost to your smile and
improve the appearance of face. Dimple cheek is created by attaching laughing
muscle (zygomticus major) to dermis intraorally. Procedure is done under local anaesthesia as an o
p d basis Buccal Fat Removal and cheek Liposuction To create slim face from chubby cheek both
procedures are usually combined still it depends on preference of patient.
Buccal fat is removed intra orally. Cheek liposuction is achieved by fine suction
cannula inserted behind the ear lobe. Results are very satisfying mainly
demanded by models and actors. Mole, Nevus, Leucoderma, Scars, Tattoo Marks, Papiloma
etc. can be removed cosmetically with minimum mark. Botox for wrinkles and
Fillers mainly for Nasolabial sulcus. Liposuction is removal of abnormally deposited body fat by suction method. Can be done on
any part of the body with availability of different size suction cannula. With liposuction
one can achieve desired shape of body. Methods Available Tumescent Liposuction
(key hole Liposuction): Safe and established method of liposuction with
minimum blood loss Mainly done for minor to major obesity (small to medium
volume Liposuction). Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (Vaser Liposuction): Mainly done for sever obesity/Large volume Liposuction. Your surgeon should judge which method is suitable for you. Results
are equally good. Small volume liposuction can be done as an o p d basis. Medium to
large volume liposuction require 1 to 3 days admission. The well contoured abdomen is attractive
because it reflects health and reproductive fitness. It is no wonder that
improving the contour of the abdomen is primary concern for many patients
seeking aesthetic surgery. Along with removal of fat skin is also tightened.
Sometimes require placation of abdominal muscles. Main indications are
obesity with laxity of skin after delivery. Require one to three days
admission. Done under general anaesthsia. Gynecomastia is abnormal growth of breast tissue
in Male. This result in low feeling in them when they go to gym. or swimming
pool. Correction of Gynecomastia gives a lot of confidence to
them. Gynecomastia is mainly bilateral but sometimes it can be
unilateral. Operation: There are three methods available Liposuction: When fat tissue is more Liposuction
+ Excision of gland: when fat and glandular tissue are in equal proportion Cosmetic
excision: When glandular tissue is more and fat content low Operation
is mainly done as an o p d procedure Breast augmentation/ Augmentation mammoplasty Hypomastia
(Small breast) can be Congenital, Post lactational and postmenopausal. Breast
Augmentation is very satisfying cosmetic Surgery Procedure achieved with
insertion of Silicone gel or saline implant behind the breast tissue. It
gives women lot of self-confidence and self-belief. Implant can be inserted by various
incisions like 1. Inframammary, most preferred. 2. Peri areolar 3. Trans
axillary or 4.
Trans umblical Procedure is mainly done under general
anaesthesia. May require one day admission. Breast reduction /Reduction
mammoplasty Done for hypertrophy of breast or asymmetry of breast. Very
large breasts can be embarrassing for any lady in
public place. Breasts can be reduced to normal size and shape. Breast reduction can be defined as surgical
reduction of breast volume to achieve a smaller, aesthetically shaped breast
mound with concomitant relief of the potential symptoms of mammary
hypertrophy. There is also some evidence to suggest that breast reduction may
reduce the individual risk of breast cancer. Results can be achieved by
various surgical techniques. Procedures is done under general anaesthesia.
Patient may require one to three days admission. Mastopexy (New skin bra) Mastopexy or breast lift
as it is commonly referred to by those seeking the procedure, encompasses a
wide array of techniques, depending on the patient’s preferred
characteristics. The universal complaint among the women is ptosis or
“sagging breasts”. Mastopexy is also used to treat congenital and acquired
asymmetries as well as congenital deformities such as a tuberous breast. Penile enlargement / Penile Lengthening Mild length increase by
inferior displacement of penis occurs by release of the suspensory ligaments
and restricting bands of Scarpa fascia. Release of ligament frees more of the
penis to be stretched, thereby allowing greater gain. Real length gain can be
achieved by combining ligament release with the use of special penil weights or stretching devises that act as an
external tissue expander. Procedure is done under local or general
anaesthesia. May require one day admission. Girth of the penis can
be increased by 2cm to 2.5cm in circumference. This can be achieved by 2
method 1. Derma fat graft and 2. Fat transfer. Procedure can be done under
local or general anaesthesia. May require one day admission. Penis
lengthening and penile girth augmentation can be combined. Hymen Repair or Restoration of Virginity Done under local
anaesthesia. Require no admission. May be combined with Vaginoplasty and
labiaplasty. |
Image Gallery
“Current research suggests that beauty
is vital in terms of mate selection and competitiveness within society. The
availability of cosmetic surgery offers many patients a chance to correct
congenital aesthetic defects as well as brought on by aging and environmental
factors.” “Our face defines who we are as an individual. Surgical evolution
has allowed the ever increase ability to alter the architecture of the face
for reconstruction or aesthetic enhancement. Our face is the most highly
scrutinized area of our body. Small changes produced by minor cosmetic
procedures can effect changes that are perceived as dramatic.” “Cosmetic Surgery is effective in many patients because it changes
body image. As long as this change is perceived by the patient as an
enhancement, there will be resultant positive changes in his or her emotional
life and behavioural pattern and thus, improved quality of life.” |
Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Criticare
Hospital Main
Gulmohar Road J.V.P.D.S.,
Andheri West Mumbai
400049, INDIA +919820167509 +918169622775 Visit |
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Cosmetic Surgery
Mumbai |