Rhinoplasty | Nose Job
Rhinoplasty | Nose Job Looking for Rhinoplasty/Nose Job
in Mumbai, Cosmetic Surgery Mumbai is the best centre
for Rhinoplasty/Nose Job in Mumbai, India. Nose
is central and highly scrutinized part of our face. A beautiful nose not only
enhances our image, it boosts our self-confidence and self- belief. Rhinoplasty
is the surgery to correct the shape and size of nose. It is the most
common cosmetic surgery in the world today and Dr Manojkumar Manwani is the most trusted name in Rhinoplasty as he has
achieved surgical excellence in Rhinoplasty. He is the best Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Mumbai. When Rhinoplasty is done
first time it is called primary rhinoplasty and when it is to be repeated as
the person could not get satisfactory results in first operation, it is
called secondary rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty to increase
the size of small nose is called augmentation rhinoplasty, Rhinoplasty to
decrease the size of big nose is called reduction rhinoplasty and rhinoplasty
to correct the shape of deformed nose is called corrective rhinoplasty. In
our centre Rhinoplasty is mainly done as day care procedure. To achieve best results in rhinoplasty
proper consultation and discussion with operating surgeon is very important.
Cost of Rhinoplasty depends on correction required which can be decided only
after proper examination. Please note that one cannot decide correction
required and cost of surgery by just looking at the photo.
Rhinoplasty |
Flat Tip After
Flat Tip After
Deviated Nose After
Deviated Nose After
Bulbous Nose After |
Before After |
Rhinoplasty |
After |
Reduction Rhinoplasty for Hump Nose |
After |
Reduction Rhinoplasty for Broad Nose |
Before After |
Nares Correction |
Before After |
Before After |
Dr. Manwani’s Cosmetic Surgery Clinic Criticare Hospital, Main Gulmohar
Road, J.V.P.D.S., Andheri (W), Mumbai-49, INDIA Email: mkmanwani@yahoo.com For appointment call or WhatsApp +919820167509 +918169622775 |
Surgery Mumbai |